

3D printed masks to combat coronavirus

At TPL, we stepped up to make sure that we do our best to help flatten the curve of COVID-19, a virus that is infecting and killing people all over the world. With the help of the free download from Rowan University, we are able to print and ship out face masks to workers all over the United States.

If you know of people in need of masks, don’t hesitate to email or call us!


Rowan University - 3D Printed Mask


Perceptron Systems integration for 2020-2021 General Motors Products

As General Motors introduces the next-generation of its SUV’S and trucks, we were there along the way integrating Perceptron vision systems and delivering data feed back to help stream-line the process and contain any defects along the way.

Both at the Arlington and Fort Wayne assembly plants, we formulated trend charts to assist in tool shimming, defect containment, and process control challenges that come with any major manufacturing environment. We helped in the installation and optimization of those systems and provided support and training to the workers on site.


3D Printing Optimization

There are endless settings on a 3D printer to consider when developing a print strategy. 3D printing can be a very slow process when trying to create a high quality print.

In order to speed things up, a wide variety of settings can be adjusted to give you the highest quality of print while maintaining high through-put numbers. Retraction acceleration, nozzle size, layer height, and print temperature are only a few ways to optimize your printer.

We took what would normally print in 12 hours and dropped that down to 5 hours without sacrificing the quality or integrity of our masks. That’s almost a 60% decrease in cycle time!